Home > Invoices > Invoice Maintenance > Invoice Statuses
Invoice Statuses

Create your own custom invoice statuses and then use them to track the status of each invoice. See also: Invoices 


Setting up Invoice Statuses

After you've enabled the invoice status feature in your Company (Studio) Preferences, follow these steps to set up your invoice statuses:

  1. Go to Maintenance > Invoice > Invoice Statuses to open your list of invoice statuses.
  2. Click New to add a status and complete the following:

  3. To maintain your invoice statuses, you may also want to:

    • Make a Status Inactive - Make a status inactive by checking the Inactive box on a status in the list.

    • Delete a Status - Highlight the status and click Delete on the ribbon.

    • Rearrange the List - Highlight a status and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the ribbon.

    • Hide Inactive Statuses - Click Hide Inactive on the ribbon to hide (or reveal) any inactive statuses.

    • Print the List - Click Print on the ribbon to generate a printed report of your session statuses.

    • Export the List - Click Export to PDF/Excel to export a file.

  4. Close the invoice status list when finished.

Invoice Status Triggers

NOTE: This feature is available in the Professional and Enterprise versions of both Spectra and myStratus Desktop.

For each invoice status you can also set up various triggers to automatically send emails and SMS text messages, print letters, generate phone calls, or create tasks based on the payment due date or the status due date. See Triggers for more information. 

See also
Invoice Classifications
Invoice Credit Reasons
Invoice Terms
Payment Methods
Sales Tax

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