(available in
You can download many different Custom Reports that we've created. Get a preview of what the reports contain and then download just the ones you want to use. Visit https://secure.studioplussoftware.com/help/custom_reports.aspx for a complete list of our Custom Reports.
You also have the option to Request a Custom Report and our Spectra designers will work with you to design just the report you need.
Follow these instructions to download and import a custom report:
Download or save the Custom Report ZIP file.
Open the ZIP file and extract the Custom Report SPX file.
Open Spectra and go to Reports > Custom Reports > Import Custom Report.
Choose to either “Import New” or “Replace Existing” report. Re-start Spectra before running the report.
You can also go to Maintenance > Studio > Custom Reports to import or delete any Custom Report.
Custom Reports can be run from the Reports menu or from the corresponding record – Client, Session, Invoice, Appointment etc.
Do you need a report that Spectra does not provide? No problem! Because Spectra stores its data in a Microsoft Access database, you can create your own custom reports using Microsoft Office products, like Word, Excel, and Access, or a third-party report generator like Crystal Reports by Seagate. The most powerful tool to create custom reports is Microsoft Access, which can be purchased stand-alone or as a part of the Microsoft Office Professional Version. The version must be 2000 or greater. Spectra stores its data in a file called SamDB.mdb. You must attach your application (like Word, Excel, or Access) to this file to get access to your data. For more information on creating your custom reports, see Word, Excel, Access, or other third-party documentation.