(available in
The Profit Analysis Report is a powerful tool to help evaluate the performance of your studio by determining how profitable your sessions are. You can create a Profit Analysis Report for your client groups, session promotions, or a general one. The report type will determine what filter and grouping options are available to you. Or you can select a date range to determine your profits for a specific period. You can group the report in different ways. Do you want to view the profitability of your different session types, photographers, lead sources, promotions, or a certain client group?
The report will then show the number of sessions in each grouping, the total revenue and total profit for each group, the average revenue and profit for each session, and a gross profit margin for each group. How does the report calculate total revenue? The report totals all the subtotals for each invoice that belongs to all the sessions in the group. How does the report calculate total profit? The report calculates profit by taking the total revenue minus the total cost. The cost of each session can be determined by you in the Studio Preferences > Reports tab. See the “Spectra Maintenance” chapter for more information on how to calculate your costs.
Go to Reports > Analysis Reports > Profit Analysis Report.
Select the Report Type: General, Client Group, or Session Promotion. This will determine what criteria you can select.
Select the Criteria, a Filter or an Invoice Date range.
If you're using a Filter, select a filter you've created, or a client group or session promotion from the drop-down menu.
If you are using an Invoice
Date, select the From
and To dates by clicking .
Choose how you want to group the report from the Group By drop-down box: Session Type, Photographer, or Lead Source.
Type in or modify the Report Header Description.
Click Preview Report to see the report before you print it.
You can print the report or export it.
Profit Analysis Report