Production Statuses

(available in  Professional.png Enterprise.png )



What is a production order?

A production order is used to order prints from the lab or other products from your vendors. Where an invoice is used to record your client's order with you, production orders are used to record the orders you place with your labs/vendors to fulfill your client's order. A single invoice may contain several production orders according to the number of vendors needed to fulfill the client's order.


Spectra makes it easy for you to create one or more production orders from an invoice. Production statuses can help you keep track of your production orders. You can even create a unique set of production statuses for each of your order types.


To set up production statuses, go to Maintenance > Production > Production Statuses.



Production Status Maintenance

Status List Section

The upper portion of the Production Status Maintenance window contains a list of the steps in the production status cycle for the selected order type, including a description of the step, the order of the step, how long the step lasts, and whether the step is the initial or final step in the cycle.


Your installed version of Spectra includes several sample order types with sample status tracks. Feel free to customize them to your own needs.

Status Definition Section

The bottom portion of the window is where the statuses (or steps) in your production cycle are actually defined. To create a new status, click Add. To modify an existing status, highlight it and click Modify.


When calculating status due dates, Spectra equates "business days" with the days that have been chosen as "Days of the Work Week" on the Calendar page in Studio Preferences. Spectra will count each day of your work week as a business day, including weekends if selected.

Tracking Production Statuses

Once the production order status cycle has been defined, you can track the status of each production order as shown below:



Changing Production Statuses

To change the status of a production order, click the Change Status ("...") button to the right of the status line. The following screen appears:



Production Order Status Change

Production orders are related to their associated invoice. Production order are listed on the Production tab of the associated client, session, and invoice. A history of all status changes for the production order is kept on the Status Notes tab of the Production Order record.

Production Status Triggers

You may also want to set up triggers for one or more of your production statuses. Triggers can automatically create tasks or initiate a variety of communications when a production status is changed. Set up your production status triggers in Maintenance > Production > Production Status Triggers. For more information on using triggers throughout Spectra, please see the "Triggers" topic in the "Spectra Tools" chapter.



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