Before contacting tech support, have you tried to search for an answer to your issue? It's the fastest way to get an answer!

Option One - Chat Support

Have a quick question or need help finding something? Try chatting with one of our techs.
See bottom right of browser for Chat access

Option Two - Email Tech Support

Only submit one issue per ticket so we can give each of your issues the attention they deserve.

Click here to send Tech Support an email

We want to help you solve your problem as quickly as possible. Any additional details you provide will help us do that. If available, please give us specific information about such things as:

» Error messages: If you receive an error message, what is the exact error message on your screen?
» Problem description: What exactly is the software is doing?
» Timing: When did the problem start?
» Sequence: Did anything else happen around the time the problem started, like a system update or computer crash?
» Troubleshooting: What troubleshooting have you already tried to resolve the issue?

Option Three - Call Us

When contacting us by phone, don’t be surprised if you are prompted to leave a voicemail. If you are calling during our open support hours, be assured that our techs are currently on the phone helping other clients and will contact you back in order of priority. It is our goal to respond to all support issues within 24 hours and priority is given to clients that are completely down.

StudioPlus Phone Support Hours

Monday – Friday:
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Note: All times are US Central Time Zone.

Support Phone Number


Press ‘2’ for Technical Support for any product. Then, stay on the line for regular technical support, or choose one of the following:

» Press ‘2’ for Critical Support. This option is reserved for clients that are experiencing a complete system failure, meaning the software is currently down on ALL computers.

PhotoOne Users, As of 1/1/2020, PhotoOne is no longer a supported software of the StudioPlus line. Click here to read more.