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Reference #: SPTV 6-103
Created: 00.00.00
Last Revised: 00.00.00

Phone Calls

Learn to create phone call records individually, in bulk, and automatically. Then use the software to remind you of your calls and tasks – in detail.

Please note: Because we are continually updating our library of training videos as new versions of our software are released, this video will likely show an older or newer version of StudioPlus Spectra/myStratus than you have installed. Don't worry! The video will still give you a great overview of this feature.


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  1. Setting up phone calls
    1. Maintenance > Phone Calls > Phone Call Types
    2. Enter the types of phone calls you want to track
      1. Prospect follow-up
      2. Appointment
      3. Confirmation
      4. Order pick-up reminder
  2. Recording completed phone calls
    1. Open client record
    2. Click "Completed phone calls" button
      1. Phone call description
      2. Type
      3. Notes
  3. Recording future phone calls
    1. Open client record
    2. Click "Future Phone Calls" button
      1. Phone call due date
      2. Description
      3. Type
      4. User
      5. Notes
  4. Creating a group of phone call records
    1. Tools > Create a Group of Phone Call Records
    2. Select filter
    3. Enter information...
      1. Description
      2. Type
      3. User
      4. Due date
      5. Target session date
      6. Call notes
  5. Tracking phone calls
    1. Home page phone calls
    2. Phone call hub: view by user
    3. Client - Phone call tab: view all calls by client
      1. Past due phone calls - red
      2. Future phone call - yellow

Additional Information

» Next video - "Email"
» Spectra Training Checklist
» Online Help topic(s) - Phone Calls