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Reference #: SPTV 7-601
Created: 00.00.00
Last Revised: 00.00.00

Advanced Clients

This video explores options regarding client numbering, checking for duplicates, and which tabs are displayed when you open a client.

Please note: Because we are continually updating our library of training videos as new versions of our software are released, this video will likely show an older or newer version of StudioPlus Spectra/myStratus than you have installed. Don't worry! The video will still give you a great overview of this feature.



  1. Customize Clients
    1. Maintenance > Preferences > Company/Studio Preferences > Client tab
    2. Client tabs
      1. Choose which tabs you want to view on the client's record
    3. Custom tab
      1. Ten fields you can define to record data
  2. Client number options
    1. Assign client numbers when creating new clients
    2. Assign client number when invoice or session is created
      1. Client without number is a prospect
    3. Assign client number when client status is "any status you choose"
    4. Do not assign a client number automatically
  3. Client duplicate check options
    1. Miscellaneous tab
      1. Client last name and city
      2. Client home phone number
      3. Client first and last name
      4. Client address line1 and city

Additional Information

» Next video - "Advanced Sessions"
» Spectra Training Checklist
» Online Help topic(s) - Hiding Client Tabs, Handling Duplicate Clients, Setting up the Client Numbering System