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Home > Optional Add-Ons > StudioPlus Mail > FAQ - Setting up SendGrid Domain Verification for Gmail and Yahoo Compliance
FAQ - Setting up SendGrid Domain Verification for Gmail and Yahoo Compliance

To be compliant with Gmail and Yahoo's sender requirement, the sending domain needs to be verified within SendGrid Settings. When a domain is verified within SendGrid's Domain Authentication, it allows SendGrid to manage SPF an DKIM records.
  1. Login to the SendGrid Portal. For instructions on accessing the portal, Click Here.

  2. In the SendGrid Portal user interface (UI), select Settings > Sender Authentication.

  3. In the Domain Authentication section, click Get Started. The Authenticate Your Domain page will load.

  4. From the Authenticate Your Domain page, select your DNS host from the drop-down menu below the text: Which Domain Name Server (DNS) host do you use? You can select I'm not sure or Other Host (Not Listed) if necessary.

    You can choose to set up Link Branding by choosing Yes below the text: Would you also like to brand the links for this domain? If you choose No, you can add Link Branding at a later time. Link Branding is not a required part of the Domain Authentication process. See SendGrids Link Branding docs for more information.

  5. Click Next. A second Authenticate Your Domain page will load.

  6. From the new page, add the domain you want to authenticate below the text: Domain You Send From. This will be the domain that appears in the from address of your messages. For example, if you want your messages to be from addresses like, you will authenticate Make sure that you enter only your root domain <>. Do not include a subdomain or protocol such as www or http://www in this field.

  7. Select the Advanced Settings appropriate for your needs. Most customers can leave Use automated security checked and continue. See SendGrids How to Set Up Domain Authentication - Avdanced Settings for more information about advanced settings.

  8. Click Next. The Install DNS Records page will load.

  9. The SendGrid App will determine if it can automatically complete the Domain Authentication process for you. If SendGrid can automatically finish the setup, you will be taken to the Automatic Setup tab. If they cannot automatically finish the setup, you will be taken to the Manual Setup tab. Follow the steps below for Manual Setup. 

  10. If you cannot modify your domain's DNS records, you can email the records to a colleague using the Send To A Coworker tab. The email includes a direct link to the records. The recipient doesn't need to log in to your SendGrid account.


If SendGrid cannot automatically complete the domain authentication, manual DNS record updates with your DNS provider will be necessary. Ensure you or an authorized team member with access to your DNS settings can perform these updates to prevent verification delays.

For more information about these records, see SendGrid's 
How to Set Up Domain Authentication - DNS Records

Manual setup

  1. In the Manual Setup tab, you will see the DNS records that must be added with your DNS host provider. If you left Use automated security checked during the earlier configuration steps, you will have three CNAME records and one TXT record. If you unchecked Use automated security, you will see an MX record and three TXT records.

  2. Next, you will add the records displayed using your DNS provider. This process varies depending on your DNS host. For videos on how to add records with some popular DNS service providers, see these videos.

  3. Once you add the DNS records to your domain, return to the SendGrid App UI and click Verify.

  4. You should now see the records verified successfully.

  5. If only half of your records are verified, you likely need to wait a bit longer. It's also possible that you entered one of your records incorrectly. For other troubleshooting information, see SendGrid's Troubleshooting Sender Authentication.

  6. Any time that you send an email with a from address where the domain matches your authenticated domain, SendGrid applies that domain to your email. You only need to update your Domain Authentication if you want to update the domain you are emailing from.


See also

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