The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Menus > Maintenance Menu > Preferences > Company (Studio) Preferences > Company (Studio) Preferences - Credit Cards Overview > Company Preferences - Global Payments Credit Cards (UK, EU, Canada)
Company Preferences - Global Payments Credit Cards (UK, EU, Canada)


NOTE: Global Payments is only available in the United Kingdom, EU, and Canada.

Global Payments is a credit card processing company that integrates directly with Spectra, myStratus, and InSpiredByYou. In addition to making credit card processing extremely easy, StudioPlus and Global Payments take much of the hassle out of fulfilling the requirements for your business to become PCI compliant. Click here to learn more about PCI compliance and how it affects you.

Use the Credit Cards page of Company Preferences to set up the Global Payments integration. Follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Setting up Global Payments Credit Card Processing

Before you can process credit cards with Global Payments through Spectra, myStratus, or InSpiredByYou, you need to establish a Global Payments account and get things set up. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Create a Global Payments account. Click here to learn how. Once your account is established, Global Payments will email your unique Account Credentials.

  2. Test your account credentials. Log into the Global Payments gateway on the Internet with your account credentials and process a payment for $1. This will ensure your credentials are valid and that your account is set up properly. You can then void the test transaction.

  3. Set up the Global Payments integration in Spectra or myStratus Desktop. Go to Maintenance > Preferences > Company Preferences and open the Credit Cards page.

    • Enter the Merchant ID, Shared Secret, and Refund Password. This information can be found in the setup email you received from Global Payments.

    • Select the Currency Code for your region.
  4. Process a test payment in Spectra/myStratus. Create a test client and invoice, and then process a test payment in Spectra/myStratus. Refer to Global Payments Credit Card Processing (UK, EU, Canada) for detailed instructions for processing payments in Spectra/myStratus.

Spectra Only - Purging Existing Credit Card Information

If you have been storing credit card information inside Spectra prior to selecting the “Do not store credit card numbers for PCI compliance” option, you must run a purge routine to remove those existing credit cards from the database. Follow these steps to purge card information from your database:


Be aware, for every credit card that is being transferred from Spectra to Global Payments, this is considered a billable transaction by Global Payments. If you have a significant number of saved credit cards that need to transferred to Global Payments, please ensure that you are currently enrolled in the proper pricing plan to handle this number of transaction. Contact your Global Payments representative for details.

It is recommended that you back up your Spectra database prior to running a purge routine.

The purge routine can take some time to run, depending on how long you have been using Spectra and how many card numbers are present. For large databases, we recommend allowing at least two hours for the routine to run.

  1. On the Credit Cards page of Company Preferences, click Purge Now.

  2. You will see the following Purge Options:

  3. Click on the check box to Move existing credit card information to Global Payments secure server for future transactions prior to purge. This option will send necessary credit card numbers to the Global Payments secure server prior to deleting them. Global Payments will then provide Spectra with a unique token that can be used in the future to process a pending payment, a payment plan, or any other payment you wish using this credit card. It is recommended that you check this box.

    NOTE: A token is a set of characters that are used as an exchange code so the entry characters (in a form, for instance) are coded with a specified type and character set, (hiding the original entry), and passed to another program. The code is then identified by its type in the receiving, secured program to be retained and used when needed. By not maintaining your client's credit card information in Spectra, you are protecting the client information and your business from having PCI compliance issues. It is also an added marketing advantage for your client's security assurance.

  4. Click Start Purge to begin the purge routine. The following items will be scanned and purged:

    • Pending Payments - The database will be scanned for existing payment records that are still pending. For each pending payment, the card number will be removed from the pending payment record, leaving only the last four digits of the card number. If the check box for moving the information to Global Payments is checked (step 3 above), the credit card details will be sent to the Global Payments secure server and Spectra will receive a unique token back. The token is stored with this pending payment record to be used later, when the payment is actually due.  

    • Client Payment Methods - The database will be scanned for all credit card numbers stored as a client payment method. For each credit card payment method found on a client record, the card number will be removed from the payment method, leaving only the last four digits of the card number. If the check box for moving the information to Global Payments is checked, the credit card details will be sent to the Global Payments secure server and Spectra will receive a unique token back. The token is stored with this client payment method to be used later. Note: If the credit card is marked as inactive or if the card has expired, the credit card payment method will be deleted.

    • Previous Payments - The database will be scanned for all credit card payments that have already been recorded. For each payment, the card number will be removed from the payment, leaving only the last four digits of the card number.

Gift Cards

See also: Gift Certificates
  • Set a Gift Card expiration date - If you want to set a standard expiration date on gift certificates, enter it here.

Processing Payments

To find out how to process client payments using the Global Payments integration, refer to Global Payments Credit Card Processing (UK, EU, Canada). 

See also

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