The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Mobile Devices > MyStratus Mobile App (Stratus ONLY) > Tasks on the Mobile App
Tasks on the Mobile App

NOTE: This feature is available in the Standard, Professional, and Enterprise versions of myStratus Desktop. Spectra does not include this feature.

The Tasks List

  • Tap Tasks on the home page see a list of tasks.

  • To view tasks for a different user or to see tasks for all users, tap Choose User and then choose another user or select the "Anyone" option.

  • To search for a task, tap the magnifying glass and type in a few letters. The scope of the search includes first name, last name, and task subject.

  • Tap any task to view and modify it.

    • Linked tasks will display client information at the top (for viewing purposes only).

    • To modify the client information, go down to the bottom of the task and tap the Client field to open the client record.

Creating a Task

From a Client (new or existing clients):

  1. Create a new client (or find an existing one in your database).

  2. Go the to bottom of the client information and tap the Tasks field.

  3. Click the plus "+" at the top to add a new task.

  4. Fill in the task subject, due date, and other details.

  5. Click Save.

Quick Add (existing clients or unlinked tasks only):

  1. Tap Add at the bottom of the screen and then tap Task.

  2. Choose the client from the list or tap Unlinked.

  3. Fill in the task information.

  4. Click Save.

See also

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