The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Production > Production How To's > Creating a Reorder
Creating a Reorder

NOTE: This feature is available in the Professional and Enterprise versions of both Spectra and myStratus Desktop.

Follow these steps to create a reorder to replace an item that is damaged, defective, or was not printed up to standards.
  1. Open the original invoice.

  2. Click the Production Order drop-down on the ribbon and choose Reorder.

  3. Choose the items that should be reordered.

  4. Choose one of your Reorder Reasons. See also: Reorder Reasons 

  5. Click OK.

  6. The software will create a new production order with the original vendor and order details included. The Reorder Reason you selected is also listed.

  7. Modify as necessary and click Save when done.

  8. Proceed as you would with any other production order.

See also

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