Home > StudioPlus Finale > Tasks > Task Maintenance > Task StatusesTask Statuses
Task Statuses are used to track each task's current status. If you track multiple task types, you can create a unique set of statuses for each type.
Go to Maintenance > Task > Task Statuses. Use the tools on the ribbon to add or delete a status, rearrange the order of the statuses, and print or export the task statuses list.
Task Type - Select the type of task the statuses will be associated with. Set up task types in Maintenance > Task > Task Types. See also: Task Types
Description - Enter the name of the step you are creating.
Default Duration - Enter the number of business days this step normally takes. The software uses the duration to calculate a Status Due Date that appears in the task. You can use status due dates to see what items are overdue and catch things that may be falling through cracks.
Inactive - Mark a status as "inactive" if you no longer use it but have used it in the past.
Initial Status - Select the status that should be the default initial status of a task when it is created.
Final Status - Select the status that will indicate the task's final stage.