The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Communication > Email > FAQ - Setting up Outlook 365 for Incoming
FAQ - Setting up Outlook 365 for Incoming

In order to meet tighter security measures established by Microsoft, and to keep your data safe, we've now enabled Outlook 2023 OAuth (Outlook Authorization).  You need to follow the directions provided by Microsoft here

1.  Go to Maintenance > Communications > Email Boxes, under General Information, complete the following:

  • Description- The name of the email box could be "sales" or "customer service" for example.
  • Assigned to Department [optional] - Choose a department that incoming emails for this box should automatically be assigned to.
  • Assigned to User [optional] - Choose a user that incoming emails for this box should automatically be assigned to.
  • Task Type [optional] - Select a task type if you have chosen to have the software auto-create tasks from emails.
  • Task Status [optional] - Select a task status for tasks that are auto-created.
  • Send Auto-Reply Email [optional] - Select an email that should automatically be sent in reply to emails received in this box. Note: During the first sync of your emails, an auto reply will be sent to all emails in the inbox that are within the selected date range. It is recommended that you set up the auto-reply feature AFTER the first emails sync over.
  • Auto-Reply to all [optional]- This option will auto reply to everyone the email was sent to and CC'ed to. Note: During the first sync of your emails, an auto reply will be sent to all emails in the inbox that are within the selected date range. It is recommended that you set up the auto-reply feature AFTER the first emails sync over.
  • Auto-Reply to first email [optional] - If Auto-Create Task is selected, then a reply will automatically be sent to the first incoming email but not for any subsequent emails that come in again. Note: During the first sync of your emails, an auto reply will be sent to all emails in the inbox that are within the selected date range. It is recommended that you set up the auto-reply feature AFTER the first emails sync over. 
  • Exclude Emails Before [optional] Any emails from before this selected date will not be brought into the software

2.  In the Connection Information section:    
  • Connector - Use the drop down to select Microsoft 365.
  • Mail Server -  Copy and paste this exactly as shown here:
  • App ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret - This info will be given to you by Microsoft by following the link given above for OAuth.  You can copy and paste them from Microsoft into Stratus.






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