The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Getting Started > myStratus > Using the Software - Portrait
Using the Software - Portrait

Portrait Cheat Sheet

  1. Create client records for each of your customers.
    1. Ctrl + N or find a New Client button on most of the Hubs
    2. Use the Client Import Tool. Utilities > Import Clients
  2. Schedule session records for each of your customers.
    1. Go the calendar > double click on an empty time slot
    2. Open the client record > new session on the ribbon
    3. Online Booking
  3. Day of Session
    1. Software should automatically send emails and create call records for you based on your Trigger settings
  4. Import Images into sessions.
    1. Workflow Hub > select session on the right side > Import Images button
    2. Tools > Bulk Image Importer
    3. Tools > Group Capture Tool
  5. Edit Images in the Software
    1. Workflow Hub > select the session on the right side > Edit Images button for PhotoShop Integration
    2. Workflow Hub > select the session on the right side > LR Button next to raw folder to open LightRoom
  6. Use the sales presentation tool to do in studio sales presentations
  7. Upload Image to Ecommerce site (
    1. Open session record > Advance Status button > Advance to Upload Images status
    2. Session Hub > Bring up group of sessions you want to upload > Highlight Sessions by clicking one, holding shift key, and clicking last one > Advance Status button on Toolbar
  8. Invoices will appear in the software on the Invoices Hub
  9. Production Orders will be created and Hi-Res Images will be rendered out to a folder for fulfillment.



Portrait: Using the Software

Just remember, each client needs a client record, a session record, images imported, and images imported/uploaded before they can login or you can place in-studio orders.

1 - Client Record (Automatic):

Utilities > Client Import.

This tool will help you import in a group of client records from an excel file, For more information about importing clients using the Client Import Wizard, check out this help page:  Spectra/myStratus Desktop | Importing Clients (

1 - Client Record (Manual):


To create a client record, click New Client on the toolbar of the Client’s Hub. Or Ctrl + N for the hotkey. Make sure to set the school on the Organization tab. For more information about creating client records, check out this help page: Spectra/myStratus Desktop | Creating a Client (

2 - Book Session Records (Automatic – Booked Online)

If you setup Online Booking, then you are good to go! Let the bookings pour in!

2 - Book Session Records (Manually – Scheduling Wizard)

To manually create sessions. Go to the calendar > find an empty time slot > double click to open the scheduling wizard. The scheduling wizard will walk you through the booking process.

You can also open a client record > click New Session on the ribbon.

Check out this help page for more information on scheduling:

3 - Import Images (Automatic Image Import - QR Codes)

Tools > Bulk Image Importer

The Bulk Image Importer allows you to bulk import images from your camera card or a folder. It’s important to note that the QR Code has to be printed on paper (no screens). It needs to be large enough for the camera to read it. It can be generated using another software. The QR code must be the session number. (You can export a list of session numbers from the session hub using the column chooser button and the export to excel button on the toolbar.) And finally, we recommend that there is information to identify the person on the QR Sheet. If the QR Code fails to read, you need a way to identify the person from the picture.

This help page does a great job of explaining the full process of using and importing QR Codes:

Spectra/myStratus Desktop | Bulk Image Import using QR Codes (


3 - Import Images (Manual Image Import - On Site)

Tools > Group Capture

Another route is to import images as you take them using a Hot Folder. The Group Capture tool in the myStratus software can manage this route. This route is helpful because the tool can create session records and client records on the fly for you. To learn more about using Group Capture, check out this help page: Spectra/myStratus Desktop | Group Capture (

3 - Import Images (Manual Image Import)

Workflow Hub > Select a session from the right list > Import Images button

Finally, you can import images manually. To do this, go to the workflow Hub > select a session from the right list > Import Images button. You can also go to the Action ribbon tab of a Session Record to get to the Import Images button for that session. To learn more about the options you have with importing images, check out this help page:

Spectra/myStratus Desktop | Stage 1 - Capturing Images (

4 - Invoice Records (Automatic with

The beauty of is that it’s completely hands off. You just upload the images and let the orders start flowing in! However, in order to prepare for the inevitable questions that come from using an Ecommerce site, we recommend that you check out our FAQ page for There we try to answer any common questions that a customer or yourself might have. Check out the FAQ page here: Spectra/myStratus Desktop | FAQ's: 2.0 (

4 - Invoice Records (Manual with Sales Presentation)

Workflow Hub > Select a Session > Start Presentation button

The sales presentation tool can be used to create an emotional yet professional sales experience for your customers. To learn more about the tools included in the sales presentation tool and how to use them, check out this page: Spectra/myStratus Desktop | Stage 2 - Sales Presentation (

We highly recommend a hybrid model of in studio sales presentation and online ecommerce. Use the in studio sales presentation to create an emotional selling experience with a high sales average. Then use the ecommerce site to create more add on orders from seasonal templates and guest accounts such as Grandparents.

See also

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