Home > Digital Workflow > Digital Maintenance > Render Printer PoolsRender Printer Pools
Printer pools are an optional part of the printing workflow. They are used to group printers together to be used as a "pool" of printers. Advantages of using printer pools include:
Go to Maintenance > Digital > Render Printer Pools.
Click the first line in the grid to add a printer pool.
Give the pool a descriptive name.
Choose the following options:
Job Split - Check this box to allow each print job to be split between the printers in the pool. For example, if two printers are available, a single job would be split between the two printers to speed up the printing process.
Allocation Method - This setting determines how jobs should be allocated between printers. Choose Round Robin to evenly distribute jobs between the printers. Choose Priority Code to always give preference to printers with a higher priority. Priority settings for each individual printer are chosen in Maintenance > Digital > Render Printers. See also: Render Printers
Inactive - Check this box to take a printer offline.
Repeat to create another pool.
Close the window when finished.