Home > Advanced Features (Tools) > Filters > FAQ - Filters for Labels by Grad Year/OrganizationFAQ - Filters for Labels by Grad Year/Organization
A: Yes! Here's an example of how the software makes it easy to manage your filters:
Click Tools > Design Tools > Filter Builder.
Click Add to create a new filter.
Type in a Description of the filter, such as "2016 Roseville Seniors," and choose "Clients" as the Filter Type. Add a condition where the client High School Graduation Year equals 2016. Add another line where the Client Organization Name equals the high school name (i.e., Roseville Senior High). NOTE: The client organization and graduation year are separate fields from the session organization and graduation year. For this filter we are using the client organization and graduation year fields. See also: Organizations s.)
Click Load Filter Results to make sure there are records that meet the criteria.
Click OK and close the Filter Builder.
Go to Reports > Lists & Labels and select the type of labels you want and the filter you created.
Need more help? Click on the Help button in the Filter Builder for more instructions.
+ Training video - Filters + More organization reports are found in the software under Reports > Organization Reports . + Read High School Senior Workflow