The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > 2.0 > FAQ's: 2.0 > How do I setup the InspiredByYou Control Center if my Session Statuses are by Session Type?
How do I setup the InspiredByYou Control Center if my Session Statuses are by Session Type?

If you use Session Statuses by Session Types (more info found here), you're probably wondering if you need to set up one Control Center Job Stratus Drive Upload for each Session Type Status.  No, not if you use the exact same Session Status Description for each Session Type you need to upload.

1.  Go to Maintenance > Sessions > Session Statuses and from the drop down menu, select the Session Type you wish to have uploaded

2.  In the Description box, type in the name of the Session Status that will be used by the Control Center to Upload Images to Stratus Drive, do not flag the box Show Session Online.   We recommend the status "Upload Images"

3.  Press Enter on the keyboard, and then add a new Session Status that will note the upload was successful, and this time, do flag the box Show Session Online.  We recommend the status "Images on IBY"

4.  Press Enter on the keyboard, and then add a new Session Status that will note the upload was not successful. Do not flag the box Show Session Online.   We recommend the status "Upload Failed" 

When you're finished, here's what it will look like:

5.  From the drop down Session Type, repeat for any other Session Types offered on

6.  In the Control Center Job Stratus Drive Upload you'll now see only one Session Status "Upload Images".  Each Session Type with that exact Session Status will be uploaded.

See also

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