The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Web Forms (myStratus ONLY) > Bulk Create Web Forms
Bulk Create Web Forms

NOTE: This feature is available in the Professional and Enterprise versions of myStratus Desktop. Spectra does not include this feature.

To create web forms for multiple clients at a time, use the bulk creation tool found at Maintenance > Web Forms > Bulk Create Web Forms. 

  1. Select which Web Form you will be creating in bulk.
  2. Based on the selected web form, choose which clients/sessions should the form should be built for. The options for this are a Filter, Client Status, Session Status, Client Group, or Marketing Plan. The options available will vary depending on the type of web form selected - Client or Session based.
  3. Press Create to create the web form on respective client/session records.
This process will create a web form for all clients/sessions found using the Criteria section. If a client or session record already contains the web form being created, the client record will be skipped and the web form will not be duplicated.

See also

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