The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > 2.0 > FAQ's: 2.0 > How can I limit the number of poses a client can order?
How can I limit the number of poses a client can order?

Do you offer packages that have a pose number limit, but clients are able to pick more than the number offered?  If so, here's how you "turn on" this feature.

1.  Go to Maintenance > Preferences > Company Preferences

2.  Select the Digital tab and scroll to the section titled Invoice Image Options (click here for more info on these options)

3.  Close Company Preferences

4.  Go to Maintenance > Price List > Price Lists and open one of the packages where you want to limit the number of poses

5.  Set the Min # of Images Allowed and the Max # of Images Allowed

6.  If you have an Additional Pose Fee, select it here, if you need more info on the additional pose feature,  click here

See also

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