The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Clients > Client How To's > Finding a Family Member
Finding a Family Member

Family Members on the Clients Hub

You can customize the Clients hub to display additional family member information for each client and include family members when using the Search tool.
  1. Open the Clients hub.

  2. Click Include Family Members on the ribbon.

  3. Open the Column Chooser and check one or more family member fields (i.e., "Family Members - First Name" or "Family Members - Birthday")

  4. Use the Search tool and family members will be included in the results.

  5. You can also rearrange the columns and sort as desired.

Example: Use the Clients hub to see birthdays by month

  1. Open the Clients hub and click Include Family Members on the ribbon.

  2. Click Column Chooser on the ribbon.

  3. Check the following fields to include them on the hub:

    • Family Members - First Name
    • Family Members - Birthday Month
    • Family Members - Birthday Day

  4. Drag columns to reposition them as needed.

  5. Click the Birth Month column heading to sort by month.

See also

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