Home > InSpiredByYou > InSpired How To's > Automating InSpired Uploads
Automating InSpired Uploads
In Stratus, go to Maintenance > Session > Session Statuses and click New to create a new status.
Set up the following session statuses:
Ready to Upload - Create a session status you will use to indicate a session is ready to be published to InSpired (i.e., "Publish Images Pending").
Upload Successful - Create a status that Stratus can assign when a session has been successfully published to InSpired (i.e., "Online Expire Pending").
Upload Failed - Create a status that Stratus can assign when a session was not successfully published (i.e., "Publish Failed").
In Stratus, go to Maintenance > Preferences > InSpiredByYou Preferences and click the Sessions tab.
Check the Activate Auto Session Uploader box.
Then choose the session statuses you created in step 2:
Session Status to Upload - Select the "Ready to Upload" status. See also: Using Session Statuses
Upload Successful Status - Choose the "Upload Successful" status.
Upload Failed Status - Choose the "Upload Failed" status.