
Home > InSpiredByYou > InSpired How To's > Selling Products Online

Selling Products Online

 NOTE: This feature requires the StandardProfessional, or Enterprise version of myStratus Web.

Required Setup

Step 1: Create a Web Price List

For each Stratus session you publish to InSpiredByYou, you will be able to choose a specific online price list. You may want to have separate online price lists for different clients or session types. You can use an existing price list, but we recommend creating a new, simplified price list for online use. Follow these steps to create a price list for InSpired:

  1. In Stratus, go to Maintenance > Price List > Price Lists.

  2. Click New Price List on the ribbon to create a new price list or modify an existing price list for InSpired.

  3. Give the price list a name and then check the box to Enable the price list for InSpiredByYou. Only price lists that have been enabled for InSpired will be available for online sales.

  4. Follow the steps in Setting up a Price List to create the products you want to sell online. Note: Keep your online pricing, options, and packages a simple as possible. Remember that when your clients are ordering online, they won’t have a sales rep there to answer their questions and to make sure they enter everything correctly.

  5. For each item, enter the following additional information on the InSpiredByYou tab (shown below):

    • Product Description - Use this space to enter a more detailed description of the product to avoid confusion when your clients create their online order. The Item Description (from the General tab) will appear online, along with any additional information you enter here. For example, you may want to list the items that are included in a package and specify how many poses are allowed. If a product description is not entered on the InSpired tab, the Item Description is the only thing your clients will see online.

    • Product Image - A product image may also be included to give your clients a visual representation of individual items in your price list. Uploading a product image is optional and may be used for as many items as desired.

    • Options

      • Item Doesn't Require an Image - Check this option for those products that do not require clients to order from a specific pose, such as a portrait cd or gift certificate.

      • AvaTax Code - Enter the AvaTax code for the item if you are using the Avalara® AvaTax Calc™ integration.

  6. Run the InSpiredByYou Synchronizer on the Tools menu to sync your price list changes to InSpiredByYou. See also: Syncing Stratus and InSpired

Step 2: Enable Online Payment Methods

  1. In Stratus, go to Maintenance > Invoice > Payment Methods.

  2. Open each credit card payment method you want to accept online, check the Web Enabled check-box, and then click OK. Note: Only credit cards can be accepted online -- not cash, check, or gift certificates.

  3. Close the Payment Method list when finished.

  4. Run the InSpiredByYou Synchronizer on the Tools menu to sync your payment method changes to InSpiredByYou. See also: Syncing Stratus and InSpired

Step 3: Assign Price Lists and Durations to Session Types

  1. In Stratus, go to Maintenance > Session > Session Types.

  2. Open each session type and choose the following:

    • Web Price List - Choose the price list that should be used online for this session type. Note: The price list can be changed for individual sessions when they are published to InSpired.

    • Default Duration Online - Enter the number of days sessions of this type should remain active on InSpiredByYou. Note: The default duration can be changed for individual sessions when they are published to InSpired.

  3. Click OK to save each session type.

  4. Close the Session Type list when finished.

Step 4: Set up InSpired Preferences

  1. In Stratus, go to Maintenance > Preferences > InSpiredByYou Preferences and make sure the following order-related preferences are set up:

    • Company Tab - Make sure the "Do not sell products online" option is unchecked.

    • Orders Tab -

      • Invoice Defaults - Select an Invoice Status and Payment Method that should be assigned to all newly downloaded web orders and payments.

      • Payment Processing - Choose how you want to process payments. See also: Processing Credit Cards through InSpired

    • Sales Tax Tab - Verify the tax method is the same as it is for your in-studio orders, choose the default in-state and out-of-state tax rates, and enter a tax description for the client's order confirmation. See Sales Tax Settings for instructions on setting up tax rates in Stratus.

    • Shipping Tab - Choose the shipping method that should be pre-selected during checkout. See also: Setting up Shipping Methods

    • Tasks Tab - Enable the "Order" task, enter a task subject (i.e., "Follow up on new web order"), and choose the department and/or user the task should be assigned to. See also: Tracking Online Orders

    For more details, read through all the tabs marked as "Required for Online Ordering" in the Setting up the InSpired Integration topic.

  2. Click OK to save your preferences.

  3. Run the InSpiredByYou Synchronizer on the Tools menu to sync your changes to InSpiredByYou. See also: Syncing Stratus and InSpired

How Online Ordering Works

  1. You will publish individual Stratus sessions to InSpired, choosing the appropriate price list for each session. See also: Publishing Images to InSpired

  2. (OPTIONAL) You can create promo codes for your clients to use when placing an online order. See also: Offering an Online Promotion

  3. (OPTIONAL) You can create prepaid orders and upload them to InSpired for pose selection only. A prepaid order is displayed as a "Pending Shopping Cart" on your client's site. See also: Uploading Prepaid Orders to InSpired

  4. Your clients create order(s) on their InSpiredByYou site. Watch the "Ordering from an Online Session" video to see how the ordering process works.

  5. Whenever a client checks out, their order is downloaded to Stratus during the next data sync and an invoice and task are automatically created in Stratus. The invoice will be linked to the appropriate client and session in Stratus and the task will be assigned to the person or department responsible to follow up on the order. See also: Tracking Online Orders

See also

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