
Home > Mobile App > Mobile App How To's > Scheduling with the Mobile App

Scheduling with the Mobile App

Viewing Schedules

  • Tap Schedule on the home page see a list of appointments and sessions.

  • Choose the User or Resource you wish to view the schedule for.

  • To change the date, scroll up and down through the months.  

  • To view a week, just select a day that week. 

  • Tap any session or appointment to view and modify it.

    • Sessions and linked appointments will display client information at the top (for viewing purposes only).

    • To modify the client information, go down to the bottom of the session or appointment and tap the Client field to open the client record.

Booking a Session

From a Client (new or existing clients):

  1. Create a new client (or find an existing one in your database).

  2. Go the to bottom of the client information and tap the Sessions field.

  3. Click the plus "+" at the top to add a new session.

  4. Fill in the session date, time, and other details.

  5. Click Save.

Quick Add (existing clients only):

  1. Tap Add at the bottom of the screen and then tap Session.

  2. Choose the client from the list.

  3. Fill in the session information.

  4. Click Save.

Scheduling an Appointment

From a Client (new or existing clients):

  1. Create a new client (or find an existing one in your database).

  2. Go the to bottom of the client information and tap the Appointments field.

  3. Click the plus "+" at the top to add a new appointment.

  4. Fill in the appointment date, time, and other details.

  5. Click Save.

Quick Add (existing clients or unlinked appointments only):

  1. Tap Add at the bottom of the screen and then tap Appointment.

  2. Choose the client from the list or tap Unlinked.

  3. Fill in the appointment information.

  4. Click Save.

See also

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