
Home > Clients > Customizing Clients > Family Member Relationships

Family Member Relationships

When you add family members to a client in Stratus, you can choose from a list of possible relationships for each family member (pictured below). That list of relationships can be customized by adding more relationships or modifying the existing ones. Note: Changing the list of family member relationships will only affect those family members created AFTER the change is made. Relationships that have been selected for existing family members will not be affected.

Follow these steps to change modify your list of family member relationships:
  1. Go to Maintenance > Client > Family Member Relationships to open your list.

  2. The following editing options are available, either on the ribbon or directly in the grid:

    • Add a Relationship - Click New on the ribbon, or type directly into the first line of the grid. If you want to add a relationship at a specific spot in the list, use the Insert tool. 

    • Modify a Relationship - Double-click the relationship and then edit the description.

    • Delete a Relationship - Highlight the relationship and click Delete on the ribbon.

    • Change the Order - Highlight a relationship and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the ribbon.

    • Make a Relationship Inactive - Check the Inactive box to hide a relationship you are no longer using (but may not want to delete).   

  3. You may also want to:

    • Hide Inactive Relationships - Click Hide Inactive on the ribbon to hide (or reveal) any inactive relationships.

    • Print the List - Click Print on the ribbon to generate a printed report of your family member relationships.

    • Export the List to Excel - Click Export to Excel to export an Excel file that you can download.

  4. Close the list when finished.

See also

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