
Home > InSpiredByYou > InSpired How To's > Offering an Online Promotion

Offering an Online Promotion

 NOTE: This feature requires the StandardProfessional, or Enterprise version of myStratus Web.

Creating an Online Promotion

Follow these steps to create or modify your online promotions for InSpiredByYou:
  1. In Stratus, go to Maintenance > InSpiredByYou > Promotions.

  2. To add a promotion, click New on the ribbon.

  3. Complete the following information for the promotion:

    • Promo Code - Enter the promotion code your clients should use when placing an order on InSpiredByYou.

    • Description - The description appears on your client's order confirmation.

    • Type - Choose one of the following options:

      • Dollar Amount Off
      • Percentage Off
      • Free Product
    • Is Active - Check this option if the promo code should be active online.

    • Start Date/End Date - Choose the start and end dates for the promotion.

    • Threshold - Enter the minimum order amount that must be placed before the promotion code can be used.

    • Uses Per Session - Enter how many times this promo code can be used per session. Enter “0” for unlimited uses.

    • Valid for - (optional) Enter the number of days the promotion should be active based on when a session is uploaded.

    • Amount/Free Product - Enter the discount amount (dollars or percentage) or choose the free product from your price list.

  4. Click OK to save the promotion.

  5. To maintain your promotion list, you may also want to:

    • Delete a Promotion - Highlight the promotion and click Delete on the ribbon.

    • Rearrange the List - Highlight a promotion and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the ribbon.

    • Hide Inactive Promotions - Click Hide Inactive on the ribbon to hide (or reveal) any inactive promotions.

    • Print the List - Click Print on the ribbon to generate a printed report of your online promotions.

    • Export the List to Excel - Click Export to Excel to export an Excel file that you can download.

  6. Add or modify additional promotions and then close the promotions list when finished.

  7. Run the InSpiredByYou Synchronizer on the Tools menu to sync your promotion changes to InSpiredByYou. See also: Syncing Stratus and InSpired

See also

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