
Home > Sessions and Appointments > Session and Appointment How To's > Using Appointment Types

Using Appointment Types

In addition to organizing your Stratus sessions with session types (see Using Session Types), you can create your own appointment types as well. For example, you may want to set up "Wedding Consultation" and "Sales Presentation" as individual appointment types.

  Why do I need different appointment types?
Appointment types help you keep your appointments organized. Here are several reasons you may want to set up multiple appointment types in Stratus:
  • Each type of appointment can be a different color on the calendar so you can tell at-a-glance what's coming up.
  • Each type of appointment can have a unique default duration to streamline your scheduling process.

Setting Up Appointment Types

Start by setting up your appointment types in Stratus. Note: Although you may have entered your appointment types in the Preferences Wizard when you set up Stratus, there are more options to choose from in the Appointment Types Maintenance list. Follow these steps to add additional details to the appointment types you've already created, as well as to add new ones. See also: Setting up Stratus with the Preferences Wizard
  1. Go to Maintenance > Appointment > Appointment Types to open your list of appointment types.

  2. Click New to add a type or click the Edit icon in the Details column to modify an existing one.

  3. Complete the following fields in General Information section:

    • Description - Enter a short description for the appointment type.

    • Duration - Enter a default length (in minutes) for appointments of this type. Note: The length of any appointment can be modified on a case-by-case basis when scheduling.

    • Default Color - Choose the color you want appointment of this type to appear on the calendar

    • Default Length - Enter a default length (in minutes) for appointments of this type. Note: The length of any appointment can be modified on a case-by-case basis when scheduling.

    • Inactive - Check the Inactive box to hide an appointment type you are no longer using (but may not want to delete).

  4. For each appointment type, you may also want to modify the following:

    • Descriptions on the Calendar - Stratus has been set up to include a default set of information on the calendar for each session and appointment. These descriptions can be customized (for both linked and unlinked appointments) to include just the information you find helpful. For instructions on modifying the calendar descriptions see the Changing Event Descriptions topic.

  5. When finished, click OK to save your appointment type.

  6. To maintain your appointment type list, you may also want to:

    • Delete an Appointment Type - Highlight the type and click Delete on the ribbon.

    • Rearrange the List - Highlight an appointment type and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the ribbon.

    • Hide Inactive Types - Click Hide Inactive on the ribbon to hide (or reveal) any inactive appointment types.

    • Print the List - Click Print on the ribbon to generate a printed report of your appointment types.

    • Export the List to Excel - Click Export to Excel to export an Excel file that you can download.

  7. Close the appointment type list when finished.

By default, Stratus will allow users to type in their own appointment types when scheduling an appointment. You can "turn off" this ability and only let users choose from a list of existing appointment types. Go to Maintenance > Preferences > Studio Preferences and open the Appointments tab. In the Appointment Options section, check the option to Limit the Appointment Type to the List.

See also

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