
Home > Basic How To's > Setting up Users

Setting up Users

Watch the following video or refer to the instructions below to set up your Stratus user accounts.

Creating or Modifying a User

  1. Go to Maintenance > General > Users to open your list of users. 

  2. Click New on the ribbon to add a new user. Or, click Edit in the Details column to modify an existing user.

  3. General Tab - Complete any or all of the following sections:
    • User Profile - First name, last name, and display name are required. The other fields are optional.

    • User Type - The user can be made available as a choice on many different drop-down lists in Stratus (i.e., when booking a session or creating an invoice). Note: When the user is selected as a photographer or assistant on a session, Stratus will automatically add the session to their personal schedule.

    • Options - Mark Show User on Calendar to display the user's schedule on your Stratus calendar. Check the Auto-Select option to make sure the user's schedule is automatically open when viewing the calendar. See also: Adding Users to the Calendar

    • Commissions - Select the appropriate commission settings for the user. Note: This feature is not available in Stratus Express.

    • Photo - Upload an employee photo.

  4. Account Tab - This tab is for the user's login credentials. Enter the initials they will use when logging in to Stratus. You can also assign a password or require the user to reset it.

  5. Employment Tab - This tab holds an assortment of fields that can be used as needed, such as employee number, address, phone number, status, emergency contact, and others.

  6. Departments Tab - Assign the user to one or more departments, depending on their responsibilities in your business. Various items in Stratus (tasks, phone calls, emails, etc.) can be assigned to a department. See also: Setting up Departments

  7. Google Tab - Each user can sync their personal schedule with a Google calendar. Use this tab to set up Google syncing for this user. See Google Syncing for details.

  8. Email Tab - Each user can have their own outgoing email set up that will override the email set up in the Company and Workstation Preferences. See also: Setting Up Email

  9. Click OK to save the user.

Managing the User List

  1. Go to Maintenance > General > Users to open your list of users.

  2. The following editing options are available, either on the ribbon or directly from the grid:

    • Add a User - Click New on the ribbon to open the detailed user form, or just type their name in the first row. If you want to add a user at a specific spot in the list, use the Insert tool. Note: Your security settings may limit access to the detailed user form to administrators only.

    • Modify a User - Edit the columns shown or click Edit in the Details column to open the detailed user form. Note: Your security settings may limit access to the detailed user form to administrators only.

    • Delete a User - Highlight the user and click Delete on the ribbon.

    • Change the Order - Highlight a user and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the ribbon.

    • Make a User Inactive - Check the Inactive box to hide a user and deactivate their login credentials.  

  3. You may also want to:

    • Hide Inactive User - Click Hide Inactive on the ribbon to hide (or reveal) any inactive users.

    • Print the List - Click Print on the ribbon to generate a printed report of users.

    • Export the List to Excel - Click Export to Excel to export an Excel file that you can download.  

  4. Close the window when finished.

See also

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