
Home > Tasks > Task Reference

Task Reference

A task records holds the information related to a task that need to get done, whether related to a client or not. See also: Task Ribbon

If the task is linked to a client, the client information will be displayed in the upper portion of the task. The lower s
ection holds all the specific information for the task. This task information is contained in three separate tabs - the General tab, the Communication tab, and the Notes tab.

Task Details

General Tab

The General tab lists the subject and the description of the task, task assignment information, any dates related to the task, as well as type and status information for the task.

Column Description
Task Subject Short description of this task, as it will appear on task lists.
Description Detailed description of what the task involves. 
Assigned By User The user that created the task. 
Assigned To Department  Department the task is assigned to. (optional) 
Assigned To User The user the task is assigned to. (optional) 
Due Date The date the task should be completed by. Default is today's date. 
Start Date  Date the task should be started. Default is today's date. 
Complete Date  Once a task has been completed, enter the completion date here. An easy way to complete this field with today’s date is to click Mark Complete in the Action group of the ribbon. You can also complete tasks on the Tasks hub or on the Home page by clicking the box in the complete column for that task. On the Task panel of the Home page, the task will remain on the list through the end of the day, showing you what has been completed that day. It will drop off the list the following day. 
Task Number Assigned by Stratus.
Priority Set a priority from 1 to 10 and later sort them on the Task hub. (optional) See also: Tasks Hub
Task Type Select a type from the task type list. Create and change this list in Maintenance > Task > Task Types. See also: Using Task Types
Task Status Select a status from the task status list. Create and change this list in Maintenance > Task > Task Statuses. See also: Using Task Statuses
Status Due Date Date the current status should be completed by.

Communication Tab

This tab lists any communication records that may be associated with this task.

Notes Tab

Keep additional notes about this task on the Notes tab. Press Ctrl+T to enter a time stamp into the notes field.

See also

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