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Watermarking Images
In Stratus, go to Maintenance > Preferences > InSpiredByYou Preferences and click on the Images tab.
Choose from the following settings:
Do not watermark images - Show the images online without any watermark. This is the default setting.
Use text - Include up to two lines of text that will be centered across the images.
Use a graphic - Use a JPEG, GIF, or PNG file. Click Graphic File to choose the location of the desired graphic.
Opacity - Choose how transparent the watermark text or graphic should be on the uploaded image. The larger the number, the darker the text or graphic will be. Note: If you use a JPEG or PNG that does not have any transparent areas, the opacity setting will affect the entire graphic.
Run the InSpiredByYou Synchronizer on the Tools menu to sync your watermark changes to InSpiredByYou. See also: Syncing Stratus and InSpired