Home > Communication > Email and SMS Text Messages > Text Messaging How To's > Creating an SMS Template
Creating an SMS Template
Follow these steps to create an SMS template in Stratus:
Go to the Stratus Tools menu and click SMS Builder.
You will see a list of SMS templates you have created. Your SMS templates are sorted into groups based on the Data Type selected for the text message. You can see the various SMS templates by choosing the data type from the drop-down list.
Click New on the ribbon to create a new template. Or, double-click an existing SMS template to make changes.
Description - This is how the SMS template will be listed in any drop-down lists.
Subject Line - The default subject line that will be inserted into the text message. This information can be changed on individual texts before they are sent.
Data Type - Choose the data type for this SMS template. See the descriptions above for details. If you're not sure what data type to select, choose the one you think might be correct. You can come back and change the data type later if you don't find the merge fields you need.
Show On - Choose where you want the SMS template to be available throughout Stratus. For example, if you do not check Client, the SMS template will not be available when sending an text message from a client record.
Inactive - Make the SMS template inactive if it is no longer being used but you don't want to delete it. Especially helpful for businesses with many SMS templates, this option can help shorten the SMS lists to just the ones being used.
Fill in the body of the text message in the editor window. Type directly into the editor or copy and paste from another program.
Insert merge fields.
Place the cursor where the merge information should go.
Click Insert Data on the ribbon.
Choose the field from those available in the list.
The field will be inserted at the point of the cursor. Fields will look something like "[[tblClients,fldWarning]]."
The specific information will be merged when an text message is created from the template.