
Home > Sessions and Appointments > Session and Appointment How To's > Finding an Appointment

Finding an Appointment

You can find scheduled appointments in several places in Stratus - the Schedule panel of the appropriate user's home page, the Calendar, and the Appointments tab of any related records, such as a client or session. Appointments do not appear on the Sessions hub! Use one of the following methods to find an appointment:

Finding an Appointment for a Specific Client

  1. On the Clients hub, enter the client’s last name in the search field provided. Press Enter.

  2. All matching records will be displayed. If the client you are looking for is not visible, use the scroll bar to locate them. You can sort the records by clicking on any column heading in the grid.

  3. Double-click on the client to open their record.

  4. Go to the Appointments tab.

  5. Find the appointment and double-click to open it.

Finding an Appointment for a Specific Session

  1. On the Sessions hub, choose "Last Name" as the Search By field and then enter the client’s last name in the field provided. Press Enter.

  2. All matching records will be displayed. If the session you are looking for is not visible, use the scroll bar to locate it. You can sort the records by clicking on any column heading in the grid.

  3. Double-click on the session to open it.

  4. Go to the Appointments tab.

  5. Find the appointment and double-click to open it.

Viewing Appointments on the Calendar

  1. To view a daily appointment schedule for a single user or resource, open the Calendar. Find the date you want to view and click on it.

  2. Click on the desired user in the Users and Resources list. This will display their schedule in the main calendar. Click Day View on the ribbon and then use the scroll bar to view the day’s schedule.

  3. To view the schedule of just a resource, de-select the current user and then click on the resource name in the Users and Resources list.

  4. See the Calendar Overview topic for help in viewing multiple users and resources.

See also

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