
Home > Basic How To's > Changing our Company Information

Changing our Company Information

Your company information includes your contact information, regional settings, report header, company logo, and some of the terminology used throughout the software. You may have entered this information in the Preferences Wizard when you set up Stratus. Follow these steps to go back and modify the company information you entered or complete any information that wasn't entered at that time. See also: Setting up myStratus with the Preferences Wizard
  1. Go to Maintenance > Preferences > Company Preferences and open the General Info page.

  2. Enter or update the following:

    • Company Information - Your company information will be used in various places throughout Stratus. Make sure the information is accurate and appears with proper capitalization and punctuation. Note: Your Company Name is automatically filled in with the name you registered with StudioPlus when you subscribed to Stratus. It cannot be changed.

    • Report Header - Enter or update the information you want printed at the top of your invoices and reports. Your company name will automatically appear on your reports and shouldn't be entered in this space.

    • Regional Settings - Select your region and time zone settings.

    • Company Logo - Upload your company logo. We recommend a 1x1 or 1x2 inch image at 72 dpi.

  3. Scroll down and use the settings in the Business Options section to modify the terminology used throughout the software to better suit your business.

  4. Click OK to save your preferences.

See also

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