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Designing Web Forms
Designing a Web Form is the process of setting up the fields and content you want to appear on your form. This is basically a template that will be filled in with client-specific information when the web form is created.
A web form is made up of pages, sections, and fields.
To design a web form:
Go to Maintenance > Web Forms > Web Forms to open your list of web forms.
Look at the Web Form Builder window. You'll see the following areas:
Web Form Ribbon - The ribbon across the top contains the tools you need to add, delete, edit, print, and export your web forms. The Create New section is what you'll use to create the various parts of your web forms. The Output section allows you to preview your web forms online and copying the URLs for a new client's web form.
Web Form List - The panel on the left displays any web forms that have been set up in the software. You can click the arrow to expand a web form to see its pages, sections, and fields.
Web Form Grid - The right panel is a grid that displays some key information for whichever form, page, section, or field is highlighted on the left. The grid can be used for quickly adding or editing fields, sections, or pages.
4. Complete the following information for your new web form:
Title - The title of the form should describe the form's function.
Form Type - Choose what type of form you want to create. A Client form can be linked to various client fields (i.e., name, address, email, etc.). In addition to client fields, a Session form can also include session information (i.e., session date, time, etc.)
Session Type - If you're designing a session form, you can choose a specific session type that this form will be used for exclusively. Or, choose All if it should be used for all session types.
Inactive - Check this option to inactivate the web form. This will prevent it from being created for new clients or sessions.
Start/End Days - Select how long before clients can view this web form and when they can no longer access this form after it's created.
Auto-Create - Check this option to have myStratus automatically create this web form when a client or session is created.
Title - The client will see this displayed above the field.
Type - Choose what type of field this should be.
Column - There are two "behind-the-scenes" columns in each web form. You can choose to locate a field in the first column (1), the second column (2) , or let it span both columns (Both).
Internal Field Link - Link the form field to a field in your myStratus database. A published web form has direct access to your database and will display the information currently stored in the field. Because there is a direct link between the form and your data, your database will also be immediately updated with any changes made by the client when they submit the form. This setting will only display fields that match the selected Field Type. For instance, the internal field for First Name cannot be used with a Date Picker field type. Note: This is not required. If you don't link to a field, the information will only be visible when you open the client's form.
Required - Check this box if the field must be filled out before the form can be submitted.
Company Use Only - Check this option to make the field visible within myStratus but NOT to the client.
Read Only - Lock the field so the client can view the information, but not modify it. For example, check this option for a session date field.